December, 2013, Education Center of Thai Hill Tribe “Mae Fah Luang” Ban Melodae, Omkoi, Chiang Mai
875 kilometers from Bangkok, we headed to a remote area, Omkoi district, Chiang Mai province after we have known that small community like “Ban Melodae” (Melodae means stream converges) hidden quietly and waiting for development…. This community population has only 130 people. There is the Non-formal and Informal Education, The Hill Areas Education Center (HAE) Melodae providing education from kindergarten to grade 6, 47 students and 2 teachers. This education center lacked of relevant materials including education building, table, chair, toilet, playground as well as educational media.

According to such shortage issue, The Build foundation took part in fulfilling educational competent by constructing a concrete education building with 3 studying rooms. The new building was roofed with roof-tiles and toilet and gave equipment and digital media True Plookpanya included 32 inch TV together with the red cabinet (equipment cabinet), receiver True Visions contained with knowledge channels, True Click Life digital media for Computer subject for kindergarten - grade 6, 8 Learning Substance Groups and Sufficiency Game digital media. It included additional teaching aids namely table, chair, blackboard and sporting goods and installed Solar Cell system. The satellite internet system was installed, classroom decoration and education building painting and external building landscape design resulting in better quality of life, students’ education and school personnel